Monday, December 8, 2008

Land of the Danes

Alright, here are some videos I've taken during my stay here. They from earlier before though from between September and November. Haven't taken much things lately though because of being busy of being lazy. But it's also because of the situation here that I've lost my motivation to do most things. As you guys may know or so, everything here sucks balls, and I do mean in a constructive way too. Well here are the videos then.

That's the city center square in the little town that I'm staying in of Esbjerg.

That's the beaches of Esbjerg with one of the cities' most famous landmark, which is the statue of the "Men At Sea".

On the Ferry to the Island called Fanø, which is across from the town of Esbjerg.

On the wide beaches of the island Fanø. Part one.

Fanø island part two.

Outside in front of the Copenhagen train station. I don't have more videos because my batteries for the camera were out on that day. What a damn shame. But I have pictures of Copenhagen and I can post it if due to popular demand ;). Let me know if you want to see more, and then I'll have no choice but to post them as well.

The last but not least, is a clip I took from my apartment about the typical weather of Denmark. It sure rains a lot everyday, but it comes and goes very suddenly. Also you ge this here pretty often too, where it rains and the sun is still shining in the distant parts with blue skies, totally weird.

Let me know what you guys think man. Leave me comments on anything you want. Any questions or things that you are more curious about here where I am? That's the reason for the comments section down there, go there!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Cherry Popper Blog

Alright, so this is my first post on here. I actually used xanga before. Don't know why I'm changing to this one though. I guess maybe I'm a tech-whore and that somehow blogspot is cooler. But I didn't know it was compatible with a google account, so since I have one, I might as well start one then. So I guess I post some things that are happening around me now huh, cuz I guess I'll keep the real journal thing on xanga, and this is for posting other multimedia things then.

So yeah, I'm here in Denmark now, in a town called Esbjerg studying for my masters in Media Production. I'm just here for one semester though as a guest student studying at this school called Aalborg University Esbjerg. It's actually a smaller affiliate of the larger Aalborg University that's in northern Denmark. I'm in a smaller town, on the west coast of Denmark. It is supposedly the 5th largest city in Denmark with about 80,000 people or so. Wow, the smallest town I've lived in so far, geeeze, and I'm going nutts already, especially in the beginning. Nothing very exciting over here. It wasn't my choice either for coming here, actually I didn't even have a choice. The school that I applied for and that I got in is based in Germany, in another small town school, and they said that I have to come here for my first semester, geeeze. Anyways, I'm going to Germany in the next semesterm and hopefully it'll be better there. But the town that I'll be in is going to be smaller than this one, with about 40,000 people. Geeeeze man, even my previous university in Philadelphia has more people than that with 43,000 students altogether enrolled, WTF.

Well here's a picture that I took when I was in Copenhagen about a month ago or so. I was at the top of some some obersvation tower for astronomical studies or so in the center of Copenhagen. And actually this girl Anne from Germany who had a camera there took a bunch of pictures on the tower where I later got and put them together through this program called Autopano to create this panoramic view. Pretty coool I thought huh, so check it out:

(Click on the image for a maybe better resolution? it'll take you to my flickr page)

Copenhagen - 6453x1387 - SCUL-Smartblend

And here's another picture that I took in the square in center city of Esbjerg and made it into a panoramic view, check that:

[1] Esbjerg 2008, 11-12-2008, 31 images, DSC01518 - DSC015482 - 4474x680 - SCUL-Smartblend

Alright, so much for that. We'll be done in exactly about one more month. And then I'll be heading to Berlin, Germany. That should be a blast. I'll be there for christmas and new years. And most importantly, my Meggies will come visit me over there for the new years. After that, I'll have to go back to Esbjerg to take the exams, and then I can finally get the hell outta there and go back to sweet home Philthydelphia.

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